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As a business, you may think it’s a good idea to post the same post on multiple platforms simultaneously. It certainly is more efficient. However, you may be surprised to find out—that isn’t the most efficient way to build lasting relationships with your target audience.

When you adapt your social media posts for specific platforms, you create more engagement for your brand, creating better results for your business.

To get this right takes some critical understanding. Each platform has specific algorithms. That means the post that’s overflowing with engagement on one platform could be hearing crickets on another.

To help you navigate these complexities, we’ve broken down how some of the major social networks evaluate content.



Facebook has become essential for businesses. If your customers are on there, you need to be there as well. Due to Facebook’s algorithms, you must be strategic about your posts. These algorithms are continually changing, which can make it difficult.

Facebook is known for its clever quips and funny memes and sales-oriented content that uses videos, images, and text. Although this may work for some, it doesn’t work for all. That’s where Facebook’s algorithm can become tricky.

Essentially, Facebook looks for authentic interactions. It orders its content based on what the user might find relevant to them. Businesses must create content that focuses on real interactions in the form of likes, shares, and comments.

So how can you boost engagement?

  • Share when your audience is online.
  • Use video content to drive engagement.
  • Interact with your audience by responding to comments.

Focusing on Facebook’s algorithm, tailoring your content for the platform, and engaging with your audience can help you grow your brand in the long run.



There’s a different kind of vibe on LinkedIn than there is on Facebook. LinkedIn is an excellent platform for connecting with other professionals.

To have a business page, you need to have a personal account. It makes sense to build your personal page first before your business page. Once you have more followers, you can share information on your personal page to drive traffic to your business page.

Another way to link your content to other LinkedIn posts is through hashtags. Be sure to add 3 or 4 hashtags at the end of your posts to boost your post outside of your circle of followers.

LinkedIn is a great place to showcase new job postings as well as the occasional funny sales video.



Twitter operates much differently from Facebook and LinkedIn. When you post a tweet, it can be gone in seconds. Therefore, people tend to post more often on Twitter than on other platforms.

Most Twitter handles focus on connecting with others. They may retweet a person’s post or quote someone to engage people in a conversation. Businesses will also share original content that is witty and meant to drive engagement in the form of quotes and retweets from other users.



Businesses use Instagram to create a feel for their brand instead of selling on the platform. Instagram is more popular with people under 30, so if this isn’t your demographic, you may not want to waste time reaching out to an audience that isn’t there.

However, if you own a business that’s built for millennials, you’ll want to spend a good deal of time on Instagram. You’ll want to post a good mix of images and graphics for your followers.


Be Adaptable

The message here is that you would treat each platform as its own entity with its own purpose for your business because when you get down to it, they are uniquely different.

We hope this information gives you some idea of how to expand your brand on social media in 2021.