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Remote team rallies are a powerful motivational tool to help stimulate team members. Many innovative approaches help build the culture of trust, loyalty and teamwork within your team.

Team rallies can facilitate communication between team members working in separate locations by asking questions and expressing their ideas and opinions openly and constructively.

First, a team rally facilitator ensures that each team member has a meaningful contribution. Every team member is must have a role and is required to fulfil his/her role, no matter how small he/she may think it is. Everyone from the office junior to the CEO should have their say. The team rally enables every team member to feel that they have a genuine part in the team’s success, and each input will be valued and recognised. By doing this, you can build up team morale. When a team has high morale and a high level of trust, each member will help drive the business’s success.

Team rallies provide staff who feel tired a chance to participate in something outside their regular day to day work. The facilitator invites each team member to take the stage and tell the group how they feel and what their plans are for the coming week. Once everybody understands and feels interested, the facilitator will ask them to share their ideas, goals and suggestions for the next week. These ideas and plans will then form the basis of what is to be done and worked on for the coming week.

Team Building is about setting goals and pushing towards them. If a team doesn’t have any definite goals, it creates a lack of focus for people ending in confusion and inefficiency. When a team has a specific purpose, they will know their role in achieving that goal and work towards it.

Sometimes it is worth starting these meetings with a show and tell. It’s a great ice breaker and helps build team trust and help members know each other better. Be sure to give the team a few days notice before the team rally. Show and tell topics can range from your favourite purchase to what is the one thing you would save if your possessions when up in flame. Or it could be an item from a hobby you have.

In conclusion, team building is an important concept that can motivate and encourage a team to work and function better, especially when they have been isolated for such a long time.