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With more and more consumers shifting to digital channels to interact with brands, you’ve likely heard the phrase, “Traditional marketing is dead”.

In today’s age of digital marketing, many traditional marketing techniques still work. And it’s still a great way to reach certain demographics and local prospects.

Also, with traditional marketing, you can offer more face-to-face interaction and tangible marketing materials that evoke a lasting memory. For these reasons, it’s no wonder that two-thirds of small businesses use traditional marketing to facilitate a personal connection with their clients.

But there’s no denying digital marketing is a powerful way to reach and attract new customers. However, the problem with having a digital only strategy is that the medium doesn’t drive the tangibility that traditional marketing does.

So, which to choose? In this post, we’ll cover how you can integrate both for more cohesive marketing campaigns.

Traditional Marketing Techniques That Still Work

  • Print ads: Flyers, brochures, and business cards are still effective in building brand awareness and highlighting offers and discounts. You can also use your print marketing materials as gateways to your digital channels. For example, you can include your website and your social media handles on your print media.
  • Direct mail: Direct mailings can have a greater impact than emails because there are fewer of them. As a result, customers tend to value them more.
  • Events: In-person events rely on the power of human interaction. This allows you to show your personality in ways digital marketing can’t. There’s nothing quite like shaking a hand or sharing a smile. Even though face-to-face communication is the most direct way to convey a message, it isn’t always feasible. If you can’t do an in-person event, consider going virtual.
  • Radio: The internet hasn’t taken over broadcasting yet. Radio is still a relevant medium that can help you reach your target audience. According to a survey by Radio Joint Audience Research (RAJA), nearly 90% of respondents tune into a station every week.
  • Phone: Cold calling is still an effective marketing strategy if you do it right. For example, by reaching out to prospects who have already shown interest in your brand, you can boost the success rates of your cold calls.

Ways to Optimize Traditional Marketing for the Digital World

1. Integrate Direct Mail With Online Channels

People still enjoy getting letters and promotional materials in the mail. In a world where you can do almost anything online, consumers find the personal touch of handwritten and tangible notes refreshing.

To integrate this traditional marketing method with digital, you can include your website URL and social media handles in your promotional materials.

Also, consider adding a coupon or discount on a product that inspires prospects to go to your website. You can even include a QR code for your customers to easily scan on their smartphones.

2. Follow Up Online Forms with Phone Calls

If you use online surveys to learn more about your customers, you can add a personal touch by calling them.

After reading their survey responses, you can talk to them in more detail about their experience, and thank them for participating in the survey.

3. Advertise Local Events Online

Whether you’re hosting a fundraiser or training session, you can use digital channels to attract more attendees. To promote your event, you can send email invitations or share it on social media.

After your event, you can also use digital channels to thank your attendees for coming and encourage them to share their experience and any pictures they took at the event online.

If you’re deciding whether to use traditional marketing or digital marketing to attract new customers, don’t choose. Instead, consider using both, and let them complement each other.

You can use the two methods to create a personalized customer experience and reach a wide audience, all at the same time.