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Modern marketing has adapted to customers’ needs and desires. Marketing practices are all about the bond between companies and customers. Companies now focus on heightening customers’ brand experience every step of the way. Yet, consumers want more. They want a personalized, tailored connection with a brand. This requires a deep understanding of customers’ needs and desires. Consequently, conversational marketing has grown into being a go-to marketing practice.

What Is Conversational Marketing?

Conversational marketing puts consumers first by interacting with them in the form of dialogue. It’s based on a one-to-one, real-time interaction throughout various channels and is helpful in learning more about your consumers.

Conversational marketing aligns with modern-day customers’ needs. It allows you to improve your customers’ experience through personal communication and tailored interactions. The most commonly used method for implementing conversational marketing is by leveraging the power of chatbots.

What Are Chatbots?

Chatbots use artificial intelligence (AI) to carry out a natural conversation with consumers. These are available across phone calls, messaging platforms, websites, and mobile applications.

Chatbots are great contributors to your conversational marketing strategy as they provide effective communication. Subsequently, more and more companies are seeing the value of chatbots, with 36 per cent of companies making use of live chatbot functions across their marketing, sales, and customer service channels.

The Benefits of Using Chatbots for Conversational Marketing

The value of chatbots is evident in the digital age. Available across multiple channels and around the clock, chatbots help to support your customers whenever a problem arises.

By addressing your customer’s issues as they arise, you enhance your user experience and foster higher engagement. Chatbots provide a channel for you to reach out to customers and get to know their troubles. This leads to a deeper understanding of your customers and an increased likelihood of catering to their needs. With satisfied customers and quick responses, you can create a trustworthy environment that generates customer loyalty. As such, chatbots are vital in laying the foundation for your conversational marketing strategy.

How to Get Started With Conversational Marketing

To start using chatbots, locate what part of your website you want your chatbot conversations to ensue. Think of placing a chatbot on pages that generate the most traffic. This is likely to result in higher conversions.

Once you’ve selected your pages, prepare a conversation flow. You should base this flow should on your customers’ journey. Consequently, the questions asked by the chatbot should align with the stages that the consumers are in.

To solidify a great chatbot experience, keep the conversation simple. People value quick answers and hassle-free communication. If you make these interactions too complicated, misunderstandings and drop-offs may occur.

Finally, ensure that the chatbots work to inform customers of your company’s offerings. Try to weave in relevant content and product demos in these conversations. This can help increase sales by 67% on average.

Ultimately, the goal of chatbots is to obtain leads, collect contact information, and continue to qualify your leads through your sales funnel. Done correctly, chatbots are a great way to nurture relationships while catering to modern-day marketing principles.